Sunday 17 April 2016

Jumping through the week!

All about the Zoo!!

What a great start to the week; clear skies and sunny weather accompanied Preschool to the much awaited trip to Oji Zoo. A long day was spent there, exploring almost every nook and cranny of the the zoo. Highlights included the kangaroos lazying in the warm April sun and the bats in their hidden caves. Preschool wasn't entirely convinced that the alligators were real... The monkeys kept everyone entertained at length and the lion was much anticipated and a great way to end the trip!

However, like everything else in Preschool the zoo trip came with some work too! Preschool worked on their writing, as they described their favourite animal at the zoo and then worked on their graphing as they had to classify different traits of the animals they saw!

The Frog Life Cycle 

The frog life cycle has proved to be just as fun as the butterfly life cycle, with Preschool learning all about how frogs develop starting from eggs. They practised their reading and made their own frog life cycles out of clay all to become more familiar with the frog life cycle. However, the fun did not stop there, to become real experts Preschool became tadpoles and frogs. The classroom was full of frogs, hopping and croaking away! They even brought home edible frogs! 

Sharing in Maths 

Preschool was quite surprised to learn that sharing is a huge part in maths and spent the week exploring the concept of sharing! 
They did an excellent job proving their ability to be communicators, when they were challenged to share a bar of chocolate evenly amongst each other. Further challenges involved making sure that they were working as teams, whilst playing the sharing game as not only did they have to focus on the game but make sure that they were working as team players! 


  • Free choice Show&Tell on Monday. 
  • Sleepover on Thursday-Friday, students should be back at school by 18:00 on Thursday and school finishes at 13:00 on Friday. 
  • I will be giving the students some homework for the break. This will be sent home with them on Friday. My main wish is for them to read, so that is the priority. If you don't have time to complete the rest that is fine too. It is not meant to be time consuming however, as it is approaching the end of the year, a two week break is relatively long. 
Thank you for your support. 

Sabina Michelotti

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